Sunday, August 26, 2012

Brainiac 5 Takes His Coffee Black

I had a dream about Brainiac 5.

That was how this whole thing got started.  I had a really random dream about Brainiac 5 and I having a discussion over some extraordinarily strong espresso.  What were we talking about?  No fucking clue.  What I do know is that when I woke up I realized something:

I had not read a comic book in ten years.


In fact, not only had I not read a comic in ten years, but I had just sold the last of my old X-Men comics a mere three months before.  I had held onto them out of some strange sense of nostalgia, I think.  I never read them, nor were they in proper bags or stored in any way that could be considered correct.  In fact, I had sort of hidden them away in the back of my closet like a dirty secret, like that drug habit you had in your early 20's that you don't tell anyone about once you turn 30.

But now, much to my surprise, I have reentered the world of comics with new enthusiasm!  Screw people who say reading comics is for kids!  Not only do I have a decently paying job and therefore more money to spend, but I have a whole ten years to catch back up on!

So, seeing as how they were always my favorite and I'd had a really great cup of joe with Brainy, I decided to springboard back in with my old love, the Legion of Superheroes.  The legion had always been that comic none of my friends were into and the one I could never get them to read.  Too cheesy. Too old school.  Too many characters.  But that was always why I loved it!

To say I was surprised upon reentry understatement.

What happened to my legion?!

I, friends, am a child of the 90's.  The reboot, post-zero hour legion was "my" legion.  And so you can imagine my surprise upon picking up a copy of the New 52 and seeing characters that reminded me more of the original legion (read: the ones I never read) than anything I'd grown up with.  This was not my Brainiac 5.  Why the hell is Invisible Kid black with a French accent?!  Wait, Lyle is dead?!  Saturn Girl has kids?!!  Who the hell was Earth Man?!!  Ayla and Violet are lesbians??!!  WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?

Barring the fact that I was thrilled to see lesbians, I was utterly flabbergasted.  What had become of the starry-eyed legionnaires I remembered from my youth?  Had they simply grown up into this?  (Brainiac 5's fashion sense had seriously gone down the tubes.)  Or were these different people altogether?  Sadly, due to the fact that no one in real life seems to like legion comics, I was on my own to satiate these burning questions.

So I scoured the net.  I scoured the net for hours.  And my findings?  Shocking.  Not only were my beloved Legionnaires wandering the multiverse, but there had been another legion in the interim!  What the hell happened to them?  I have no idea.  I can't seem to find out.  If anyone reading this blog happens to know, I'll bake you cookies if you an explain where they went.

It was all very upsetting.  Not only were my favorite characters not my favorite characters anymore, but I was going to have to buy a hell of a lot of back comics to get my bearings on things.  On the plus side, as no one in real life likes legion comics, they are also very cheap.  I was able to catch up pretty quickly, though I'm still in the process of collecting all the different reboots.

I must have them all, obviously.  Otherwise i'll vaguely feel like a failure.  

Here's where this blog comes in.  I like reviewing things.  I like the Legion of Superheroes.  Can I combine these likes in a humorous way that will amuse both myself and others?  Maybe?  Maybe not.  But its a fun way to pass the time.  Will I move onto other comics eventually?  Almost certainly.  Thor has been calling my name for a while now.

Wait...LOKI IS A KID? WTF?!!

To wrap this up.  Hi. My name is Katherine, I'm 32 years old, have an unhealthy obsession with pairing cute boys together, and have just recently relapsed into my comic book habit.

Let me fill out my nametag and we'll get started with the 12 step program.


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